Auto Insurance Discounts You Probably Are Missing Out On
- August 28, 2015

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Like most intelligent consumers, you are probably looking for any discounts you can get on your auto insurance policy. There are many discounts both auto insurance clients and agents sometimes overlook. That means agents are missing out on the opportunity to serve their customers better, and consumers are missing out on lower auto insurance policy rates.
You just cannot assume that your insurance company knows that you installed an anti-theft system to your vehicle or that the college you attended offers an alumni discount. It is up to you to inform your provider and ask for these type of discounts. This one simple step could save you a couple hundred dollars each year alone.
Here are four of the most commonly overlooked auto insurance discounts:
- Daytime Running Lights – This discount was rare in recent years, but now four out of the top ten insurers offer a discount for having daytime running lights. This is now standard equipment on most new automobiles. Drivers should make sure that they are receiving this discount if it applies to them.
- Low Mileage – This discount is twice as common now as it was just a year ago. Eight of the top ten insurers offer this discount. This discount often ties in with the on-board tracking devices that monitor driving habits.
- Newer Vehicles – A discount for owning a vehicle that is three years old or newer is becoming increasingly popular with insurers. Five out of ten are currently offering this discount.
- Affinity – Five of the top ten insurers offer this type of discount. It rewards people who belong to a professional association, such as a college alumni group or a fraternity.
Many of these discounts are hidden deep in policies and ‘questions and answers’ sections making familiarity with auto insurance discounts even more important for producers struggling to grow business in this highly competitive class. The best advice for consumers looking to lower their auto insurance premiums would be to talk to your agent and together look for available discounts that are there and use them.
Robinson Insurance Group will ensure that you get every auto insurance discount that is available to you. Contact us right now and see how much we can save you.
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